Channel Partners - FAQ
- What is the role of a Channel Partner?
The Channel partner is an important part of our ecosystem. We expect Channel partners to bring in leads on a regular basis (min 5 leads/ month) and play a vital role in building the business
- How can the Channel Partner get paid?
For each lead that a Channel Partner brings, a percentage of revenue will be shared as incentive on conversion. We offer a unique incentive model where incentives keep increasing as more leads get converted.
- What’s the ORGO Incentive Model?
The ORGO incentive model is a unique win-win model that helps all participants in the eco system to grow. We offer a multi -tier variable model that encourages a sustainable growth.
Slab of incentives (per quarter):
5% – upto Rs 30 Lakhs
6% – 30 to 50 Lakhs
7% – 50 to 75 Lakhs
8% – Above 75 Lakhs
However, on certain special occasions there may be promotional incentives announced at the sole discretion of ORGO INTERIORS and the same, if any will be communicated through mail. Also special recognitions for top performing CPs will be announced on time-to-time basis.
- Does incentive increase as conversions increase?
Yes, as given in the table above, we expect our channel Partners will be able to bring a minimum of 3 qualified leads/month. In the ORGO incentive model as more leads convert the incentive also increases
- What is a qualified Lead?
A qualified lead is somebody with a real requirement and is currently in the market looking for our services. All qualified leads should have complete details as given in the lead referral form and we expect Channel Partners should talk to the prospect and recommend our services and ask them to expect us to contact.
- When will the incentive Payment get released?
We will keep CP updated on the Agreement Signing. Once the Client Completes second stage payment CP Payout will be Released.
- Do we have to sign any Agreement or Memo?
Yes, Once the Channel partner is onboarded a Confirmation email will be sent with the Percentage confirmation. This will be followed by a CP memorandum, which will have to be be signed with Terms & Conditions as per company Policy
- How we Get the Communication whether the lead shared is converted Or not ?
We are Transparent and legitimate at every stage of the sales pipeline. CPs will get an access to the CRM portal to track the status of the leads live. If there are any issues with the portal, we will update the CP from Time to Time. We also share the Update of the shared Leads on weekly basis (in case the CRM is not accessible), to have follow up or extra push from CP’s side for better conversion.
- What if the Client Cancels the Booking?
CP payout will be confirmed once Client Makes the second Stage payment. Hence, on cancellation of booking, CP payout will not be paid.
- What about the GST inclusion in the payout?
At ORGO we take all tax compliance seriously and abide by the rules and policies laid by the authorities. If CPs don’t have GST registrations we will release the percentage amount as appropriate with applicable TDS.